Annual Events and Traditions

Over the years, RSP has developed traditions that parents and students look forward to celebrating annually!

Fall Parent Social

RSP hosts a school-wide parent social to kick off a new school year every fall!

Fall Parent Social

RSP hosts a school-wide parent social to kick off a new school year every fall!

Fall Fest

This Saturday morning in early fall consists of carnival games run by our teachers, music and dancing, school merch, and concessions. It’s a classic family fun event right in our community that supports our RSParent Association!

Fall Fest

This Saturday morning in early fall consists of carnival games run by our teachers, music and dancing, school merch, and concessions. It’s a classic family fun event right in our community that supports our RSParent Association!

Book Fair

We partner with our friends at Scholastic to bring the nostalgic Book Fair to our children and families!

Book Fair

We partner with our friends at Scholastic to bring the nostalgic Book Fair to our children and families!

Annual Gala and Auction

This annual auction and primary fundraising event is hosted by the RSParent Association.

Annual Gala and Auction

This annual auction and primary fundraising event is hosted by the RSParent Association.

Guest Lessons

Mystery Readers

Field Trips

Birthday Celebrations

Classroom Holiday Parties

Guest Lessons

Mystery Readers

Field Trips

Birthday Celebrations

Classroom Holiday Parties

And more!

And more!